Did You Realize! The Often-Unknown World of Design Patterns
28 Nov 2018
What In The World is a Design Pattern? Design patterns? What are those? Maybe that was your first reaction to this term. It certainly was mine! Perhaps you have no idea what they are, or maybe you do. Either way,...
Make It Look Good Growing up in the digital era, I’ve always been frustrated by websites that look like they were built in the 1990’s. I mean, they just look terrible. I am always very pleased with sites and web...
The Green Check - Making Coding Standards Work for You
20 Sep 2018
What’s the Point? When I first started out programming, I originally thought “Who cares whether or not there’s a space between the plus sign and the variables? What does it matter if my code is properly formatted?” Particularly when it...
Are There Really Stupid Questions? Growing up, I often heard the saying “there’s no such thing as a stupid question”. Honestly, I never liked the saying. Yes, I understand that we need to facilitate open communication, especially in the computer...
First Reaction Ever since I first started coding I have always been frustrated by “ the rules”. Java, C, and C++ are great languages for teaching “the rules” because each of them has specific ways and methods of doing things...
Software Engineering - it sounds challenging and maybe a bit foreboding for the average computer science student, especially since when we think of engineering we think of buidling huge, complex things. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. In...